Climate Change and The Science Behind
Climate Change and The Science Behind

Climate Change and The Science Behind

Global warming is a phenomenon which is getting its popularity every day with the passing day. It concerns long term alterations in climate state with special emphasis on global warming. Such changes are, often, as a result of human interventions. This paper aims at establishing whether climate change has started having its impact felt on the global community. These are more intense and frequent storm, enhanced sea levels, and heat waves. This article aims to to give an understanding on what climate change is, the scientific evidence of climate change, and why appropriate measures should be made now.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is the variation in the climatic condition over a longer period than anything that you could imagine. These changes may include variations in temperature, wind, and conditions such as, rain, snow and others. The climate of the Earth, of course, has always been changing throughout millions of years, but now the changes are much faster. This is caused mostly by anthropogenic factors that include; Combustion of fossil fuels, emissions of greenhouse gasses through the destruction of vegetation, and interaction of livestock.

The Science of Climate Change

The very heart of the climate research is based on the concept of the so called “greenhouse effect.” Solar energy is available on the Earth and it is partly utilized by the surface of the Earth. The rest is reflected back into space as far as visible light is concerned so its distribution as far as visible light is concerned can be deduced. Carbon dioxide and methane, both the greenhouse gases, reflect some of heat back to the atmosphere as it warms the earth. This serves to maintain our planet warm enough for life to prospering in it.

But the human activities have enhanced the confinement level of these gases making the quantity of heat trapped to rise. This has led to Global warming the rise of average global temperatures. Some of the consequences of global warming include; alterations in the climate, shrinking of ice caps and introduction of new extremes in sea level. Climate science is used to comprehend such mechanisms and to direct actions that may mitigate the climate change processes.

Climate Change vs Global Warming

Although the terms global warming and climate change are often used synonymously there are some differences. Global warming is the gradual raising of average surface temperature of the planet as a result of enhanced concentrations of green house gases. But climate change encompasses even a wider variety of environmental issues linked with global warming like heat waves, intense storms, and prolonged droughts. It is significant to note this difference to dispassionate narratives about climate science and the climate emergency.

The human activity and greenhouse gases are as follows:

Climate change is the biggest global challenge caused, influenced or facilitated by human beings. Burning fossil fuels as energy sources results in releasing much CO₂ which is the most popular greenhouse gases. Another greenhouse gas, methane, is also released during industrial farming, more so keeping livestock. Deforestation also play its part in global warming because fewer trees means less CO₂ can be pulled from the air in this case. The above activities contribute to the enhancement of carbon footprints in the Earth hence thereby affecting climate change.

Effects of Climate Change

Hazardous impacts of CCEs are discernible on global climate in many sectors of the world. They said that global warming is already leading to the melting of ice in the two poles; Arctic and Antarctic that causes an increase in sea level. The coastal regions are now vulnerable to flooding and the small islands are likely to sink. Frequency and intensity of better hurricanes and rains, heat waves and other severe forms of weather are increasing. Rising sea levels, extreme weather, depletion of natural resources, ocean acidification – climate science says these problems will not go away if no aggressive climate change measures are taken.

Ecosystem Disruption: Some species of plants and animals are on the endangered list of animals and plants because their natural environment is being threatened by local climate change. While some species are shifting their base towards colder areas, some are endangering their own extinction. There is another major aquatic habitat that is succumbing to the effects of a warmed ocean and rising acidity, coral reefs.

Climate Change and The Science Behind a Global Crisis
Climate Change and The Science Behind a Global Crisis

Impact on Food and Water: Global warming impacts our capacity to farm and obtain fresh water. Inadequate rainfall, floods, and climatic variability in the countryside and other human activities can lead to the minimisation of crop productivity and food scarcities. Some areas are facing challenges of decreasing water availability; this the case because high temperatures lead to water evaporation reducing availability of fresh and clean drinking water.

On the focus area Sustainable and Renewable Energy the article delves into the issues, describing what it is and before moving forward exploring the question of what needs to be changed.

The fight against the climate change will thus call for urgent climate action. One of the most effective strategies is trying to minimize the reliance on fossil and polluting resources that act as primary energy sources for technologies by using environmental power sources like solar, wind as well as hydropower. These sources emit a relatively small amount of greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels, which makes these type of sources are more sustainable. Urging the use of renewable energy minimizes the emission greenhouse gasses hence slowing down globe warming.

Sustainability as the ability to sustain resources for the present and future usage without depleting it. This includes using renewable energy sources apart from this, it also embrace aspect such as; waste minimization, energy conservation and environmentally sustainable practices. The scientific data obtained indicate that individuals must change their behavior in order to minimize the negative effects of climate change.

What is the Carbon Footprint?

Carbon footprint is therefore a measure of total amount of greenhouse gas emissions which can be directly or indirectly attributed to human activities. This include driving cars, heating homes and cooking among others. Every individual contributes to emission of carbon gas, although some contribution is massive as compared to others. This is because by knowing our individual and overall carbon imprint then it becomes easy to limit our effects on climate change. The major depositors of carbon footprints encompass those basic activities that everyone performs daily; therefore, using a bus, taking a vegetarian meal, and even recycling helps in climate change control.

Taking Climate Action

The climate crisis can only be fought under the effort of governments, businesses, and citizens around the world. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and mechanism, including the Paris Agreement, on Climate Change addresses the challenge by engaging nations to decrease Green House Gas emissions to mitigate global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial level. Most countries are putting efforts into using green energy sources, encouraging the use of energy, and funding tree planting activities to help sequester more CO₂ out of the atmosphere.

There is also increased activity by companies; at the moment, most firms have established targets for cutting emissions and improving on sustainability. There is a lot that businesses can do to help fight climate change and save the earth through use of renewable energy, waste reduction and green products.

The third way people can prevent crime is also by changing small habits they have daily. Some simple ways can be using an energy-efficient device, avoiding wastage of water, promoting the usage of renewable energy sources and avoiding wastage of products and services are some of the options that people can make to tackle climate change.

One of the biggest issues humanity is currently facing, is the climate change issue. Climate research shows that climate change is caused by human activities and is leading to numerous negative consequences for the environment. But there is hope. In such ways as climate action, change to new energy sources, and overall lowering the impacts we make on climate, it is possible to prevent the dangerous depletion of climate for generations to come. It’s important to always protect the environment to make it healthier for humans to survive and this calls for and everyone’s support all over the world.


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