Climate Control Strategies in Panama
Panama may be described as a small state situated in Central America, which unites two continents, North and South America. It is blessed with a tropical climatic condition, colorful rain forests and of course the Panama Canal. However, there are issues with respect to climate change and Panama, as there are with most countries in the world. Global warming, increased incidence of temperature, increased rainfall, and surging sea levels are some of the issues that impact its people and environments it hosts. In this article, I will be focusing on: analysing the climate problems mentioned above, and their management frameworks which are simply implemented in Panama.
Climate Analysis of Panama
Panama again is a tropical country. This indicates that it is warm and Humid throughout the year Though they also experience all the four season. There are two main seasons: The climate divides into two major parts: the rainy season, which takes from May to November and dry season from December to April. It is noteworthy that during the rainy season, it is possible to flood and landslides. There are shortages of water, especially in areas during the dry seasons. These problems get worse because of climate change. Chasing the Heat Through the Southern Clime: Panama: Climate change that manifests through increases in global temperature and fluctuations in weather conditions alters the general lifestyle of the folks in Panama.
Protecting Forests
Forestry protection is one of Panama’s primary approaches toward regulating the climate. Forests as a means of combating climate change occupy a large part of the territory; their share in Panama is approximately 40%. Trees fix carbon dioxide, the gas that contributes to the green house effect. They also assist in preventing floods because besides being a holding ground for the soil, they cushion the likely effects of heavy rainfall.
Society as well as local authorities safeguard them. The national parks and reserves have been formed to check biosphere degradation and deforestation in particular. For instance, the Darien National Park is a heritage site that has reserve many plant and animal species. Another way people are also encouraged to plant trees is through reforestation.
Promoting Renewable Energy
Using renewable energy is another method through which Panama is combating climatic change. Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind and water. This is a clear indication that renewable energy does not emit what we refer to as greenhouse gases as compared to fossil fuels.
Currently there are many rivers in Panama hence the potential for hydropower development in the country. However, it is quite surprising that at the moment, over ninety percent of Panama’s electricity is generated from hydropower plants. The country is also investing in generation of solar and wind energies as other source of energy. The application of renewable energy minimizes pollution, and the amount of imported oil required is also minimized.
The issues relating to Public transportation to be addressed include:
Transportation is one of the sectors in which Panama is already moving: Mobiles such as the cars the buses and even the trucks cause a lot of emission of carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere. To reduce this, Panama is investing on public transportation. In Panama City, the capital of this country, the existing government has established the metro system. This metro is very efficient, it is easy to avoid dirt, and there are few cars on the road.
The city is also using electric buses and pledging people to use bicycles. All these changes serve to minimize air pollution and bring some greenery to the city.

Managing Waste
It is therefore clear that waste management constitutes an essential measure of combating climatic change. As waste and especially organic waste degrades in the landfill, it creates methane gas, which has come out to be one of the most potent emitters of greenhouse gases. Methane is also one of the strongest green house gasses known to man. So, to deal with this problem, Panama is encouraging recycling and composting.
Recycling programs educate people to sort their garbage from plastics, glasses, papers and metals. Some organic waste such as food scraps and yard waste are best composted so as to turn them into fertilizer for plants. This paper argues that by decreasing the level of waste that ends up in landfill sites, Panama is cutting its emissions of greenhouse gases.
Educating the Public
Climate change can only be aborted by knowledge or education. They Inform the people: Educators as well as schools and other groups across the country familiarize people with environmental conservation. Pupils receive information about recycling, saving water, and planting trees. People participate in seminars concerning such practices as the use of renewable sources of energy and efficient farming practices.
The issue of climate change was raised through Television, radios, and social media, which means awareness campaigns. In their case, when people understand the problem the are in a position to do something in protecting the environment.
Better Stay Ready for Natural Disasters
In order to reduce hazardous impact of climate change, Panama is starting to build up disaster exacture. Cultivated land is affected by floods, slopes become devastated by landslides and strong winds bring about hurricanes. Early warning has been developed by the government to help people prepare for severe weathers. The disaster affected people is taught ways that can be used to handle disasters such as how to leave the area in case of a flood.
Another basic approach is development of better infrastructure. For instance, Automobiles, roads and bridges, and even houses being erected are being constructed to be able to handle the body blows from heavy rains and winds. The measures are aimed at reducing the loss of lives and other properties.
Conserving Water
Water is viewed as a resource in Panama. The canal connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, the Panama Canal requires fresh water. But climate change as well as population lead to deforestation that is affecting water supply. In order to practice water conservation, Panama is employing the following measures:
Farmers are made to understand how to use water in crop production with high efficiency. Residents in cities should plug Leaks and use Water conservation gadgets indoors. There are also structures being put in place, to help in harvesting rain water and storing them for future use. All these efforts prove helpful in making a point that every one should be have water at all time even when there is little rainfall.
Helping Sustain Agriculture
There are many agricultural enterprises in Panama. Nevertheless, conventional practices of farming have negative impacts on the prevailing landscape. They found that forest degradation for agricultural lands and the use of chemical fertilizers accelerate global warming.
To counter this, Panama is encouraging eco-friendly farming. He encourages farmers to practice crop diversification, use organic manure and agro-forestry by setting up buildings around the farming lands. All these methods enhance health of soils, conserve the gases on the globe, and protect the biological variety.
Working Together
The global climate change can only be fought through everyone’s cooperation. In Panama everyone is working together- the government, the businesses, the communities to look for solutions. Funding is also supported by the international organizations along with technical assistance.
For instance, Panama is among those countries that have signed the Paris Agreement; an international treaty of reducing greenhouse gases emissions. When Panama participates in such programs it can contribute to the program and at the same time get exposure on what other countries can offer.
With regard to climate change, Panama has put a lot of measures to reduce its imapct on environment. Preserving forests, using renewable energy, enhancing public transportation, managing waste & making people aware of all these ideas, Panama is striving towards making the future sustainable. It also assists the country to support international attempts towards combating climate change.
The primary duties of environmental security are owed by all of the parties. In one way, it can involve small things like planting a tree, or using less energy, or recycling, among others. Combined we can achieve a healthier and a better environment that will be sustainable for generations to come.
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