Barbados is a small island developing state in the Caribbean Archipelago’s easternmost region. The island’s terrain is mostly made up of limestone rock and is rather flat. Barbados has a 97-kilometer coastline, with the majority of the island’s vast coral life found in marine protected zones around the western coast.
Barbados, the easternmost of the West Indies, has a tropical climate that is hot and humid all year, with temperatures being slightly milder and more pleasant from December to April, and hotter and muggier from May to October. The breezes, on the other hand, help to cool things down.
As the averages of the capital, Bridgetown, show, the temperature does not fluctuate significantly throughout the year.
In the hurricane season, which runs from June to October (or, as we say in Barbados, “June too soon, October all over!”), tropical rainstorms might occur. Tropical showers are beautiful, but the island is permeable, so even the heaviest rainfall rapidly drain into underground lakes or the sea.
Barbados is frequently spared from hurricanes. They form off the coast of Africa and travel to the Caribbean, swinging north around 100 miles north of Barbados.
Because hurricanes tend to bounce from one land mass to the next, and Barbados is separated from the Caribbean island chain, the pattern is very consistent. Of course, this does not make us invincible, but the last time Barbados was directly hit by a significant storm was in 1955.A bus driver is said to have driven his passengers through the worst of Barbados’ hurricanes.
Barbados has a population of around 286,100 people (World Bank, 2014), with 25% of the population living in coastal districts. Barbados was once one of the world’s leading sugarcane producers, but it has since moved its economic fortunes to tourism and financial services.

Barbados is an island nation, making it particularly vulnerable to hurricanes and other natural disasters, as well as the potential effects of climate change, such as coastal inundation and sea level rise, increased tidal and storm surge levels, coastal erosion, rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, drought, and more frequent and intense tropical cyclones.
Barbados’ Ministry of Environment and Drainage is the focal point for all climate action, aiming to address challenges related to climate change mitigation and adaptation through cross-sector collaboration.
Barbados was the first Caribbean government to establish the Coastal Zone Management Unit, a distinct entity responsible with coastal zone management (CZMU). The government has filed its first National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is currently working on its second.

Barbados established a National Climate Change Policy in 2012, and on April 22, 2016, it ratified the Paris Agreement.
The Caribbean’s topography makes it vulnerable to Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms, which are expected to intensify as a result of climate change. Salt intrusion into freshwater supplies is also a problem for small island settlements, rendering the region extremely vulnerable to rising sea levels.
The impact of climate change on coastal human settlements in the Caribbean, with a focus on Barbados, is examined, as well as the costs and advantages of various adaption measures.
The goal is to help Caribbean countries create the policies and capacities they’ll need to deal with the impact of severe weather events that are expected to become more frequent and intense as a result of climate change.
Elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events, and a decline in freshwater resources are some of the primary expected manifestations of climate change for the Caribbean.
This study looks at how these influences affect human settlements along the coast of Guyana, particularly those in low-elevation coastal zones (LECZ). The study evaluates the susceptibility of communities in LECZ areas and assesses the overall threat posed by climate change to coastal populations and infrastructure, focusing on three potential transmission sources: sea-level rise, higher storm threats, and greater precipitation.
Using global circulation models (GCM) and storm surge hazard maps, vulnerability to climate change (measured as exposed assets) was estimated for four emission scenarios outlined in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), namely the A1, A2, B1, and B2 scenarios for the period 2010 to 2100, as detailed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
reference – icevirtuallibrary web site,un-cepal,climateknowledgeportal(worldbank)
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