Easter Weather Forecast
Many regions of the UK are forecast to remain icy and frosty this weekend (9-10 April), with rain in Scotland, although warmer weather is expected by Easter.
On Wednesday, April 13th, in the run-up to the long Easter weekend, the southeast of England will be hit by a warm spell, with temperatures reaching 19C – a few degrees over typical for this time of year. Temperatures in the Midlands will range from 13 to 14 degrees Celsius, with temperatures in the northeast dipping to around 9 degrees Celsius.
The Met Office predicts dry and sunny conditions for sections of the country throughout the Easter weekend, with temperatures similar to midweek.
This suggests that there will be a temperature and precipitation divide between the southeast and northwest.
“The further south and east you are, the higher chance you have of experiencing largely dry conditions into the Easter weekend,” meteorologist Steven Keates said.”It’s likely to be fairly nice in the sunshine, with temperatures likely to be on the warm side for the time of year.” So you’re probably in your mid- to upper-teens range.
“It’s looking good in the south and east, but it’s a little more mixed in the north and west.”
High temperatures of 19 degrees Celsius are a “realistic estimate,” according to Keates, but people with travel plans should keep an eye on the forecast for adjustments.

The weather is predicted to be more steady than in past weeks, although with a greater likelihood of rain in the northwest and probable hill snow in Scotland.
Scotland is likewise unlikely to see temperatures in the double digits over the Easter weekend, with temperatures only reaching 9C.
Easter heatwave
While temperatures in the southeast are forecast to be warmer than average, especially this weekend, any heatwave is likely to be brief.
Temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius or above are not forecast anywhere in the UK over the Easter holiday, and the trend will continue following the weekend.
Much of the north will stay windy in the days after the bank holiday on Monday, according to the Met Office.

Up until April 22, the northwest is anticipated to remain unstable, with high gusts and showers.
Over the next few days, the southeast should remain dry and settled, but rain is possible.
recentclimate – Easter Weather Forecast
reference – Easter UKÂ