Great Climate Picture
DSCOVR, a spacecraft that has been recording stunning photographs of the Earth from about 1 million miles away for the past six years, discovered a side of the planet’s cosmic partner that is invisible even to the largest telescopes early in its mission.
According to NASA, DSCOVR’s Earth-facing camera “maintains a steady view of the fully lit Earth as it revolves, enabling daily scientific observations.”
Hurricane Delores was detected churning over the eastern Pacific Ocean on July 16, 2015, just before it poured catastrophic rains onto Southern California. In the same photo of Dolores taken by the satellite, an extraterrestrial object obscured part of the Earth’s vision, virtually obscuring the hurricane below.
As it passed squarely between the satellite and the Earth on that day, DSCOVR cast some light on the moon’s “dark side.”

The photographs returned to Earth are detailed enough to reveal elements of the moon’s surface that are never seen from Earth. The 44-mile-wide Jackson Crater and the “Sea of Moscow,” one of the few places on the far side of the moon produced by an ancient volcanic eruption, are examples of this.
Pink Floyd’s 1973 album ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ was temporarily renamed ‘Eclipse’ owing to a name issue with another album. The album’s cover depicts a prism that divides light into six colors, excluding violet, which would appear in a true prism or rainbow.

The prism concept, without the violet pattern, has been reinvented in a new design for Pink Floyd’s ‘The Pink Floyd Exhibition’ in 2021.
reference – accuweatherÂ
recentclimate- Great Climate Picture