Libya's Urgent Race Against Time
Libya's Urgent Race Against Time

Libya’s Urgent Race Against Time

Libya is in a race against time to provide proper burials as bodies accumulate in Derna’s flooded streets. Torrential rains breached dams, inundating the city.The death toll exceeds 6,000, per Health Ministry undersecretary Saadeddin Abdul Wakil.

Hospitals are overwhelmed, unable to care for survivors. About 10,000 individuals remain missing, fears of sea sweeps or buried rubble.30,000 displaced residents; humanitarian groups struggle to access affected areas.Emergency teams seek survivors and uphold Islamic burial customs.

Libya's Urgent Race Against Time
Libya’s Urgent Race Against Time

Storm Daniel complicates rescue efforts, disrupts communication, causing distress among families.Derna, vulnerable due to past conflicts, falls under rival governments. Storm Daniel triggers one of North Africa’s deadliest floods.

International aid pours in, including Tunisia’s rescue team, Algerian aircraft, EU assistance, Turkish aid, Italian civil defense, and US support.

President Zayed Al Nahyan offers aid and condolences. Libya faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.


Kidhours – Libya’s Urgent Race Against Time


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