It has been more than five months since the last typhoon roamed the western Pacific Ocean; however, that streak may come to an end in early August.
Following Wipha, two new tropical systems developed across the basin since Friday.Severe Tropical Storm Francisco is currently southeast of Japan and will track toward the country in the coming days while a tropical depression east of the Philippines is expected to strengthen significantly and track northward toward Japan after Francisco departs.

Francisco formed over the open waters of the West Pacific on Friday, in an area of warm waters northeast of the Philippines and southeast of Japan.Francisco will move through an area that is quite conducive for tropical development with a combination of warm ocean water and light to moderate wind shear. These conditions may allow Francisco to reach typhoon strength by early next week.
As Francisco tracks towards southern Japan, boating and shipping interests should be prepared for rougher seas and strong winds in the vicinity of the storm.Impacts may begin across southern Japan as early as late Monday afternoon and continue into Tuesday as the storm tracks west to northwest across southern parts of the country.
Damaging winds, flooding rainfall, mudslides and coastal flooding will all be possible across southern Japan, especially Kyushu, Shikoku and southwest Honshu.Francisco will weaken due to interaction with Japan, but will continue to be a threat for locally damaging winds and flooding rainfall as it tracks over South Korea during the middle of the week.
accu weather